Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Proud to be a Delawarean

If you've lived in Delaware for any length of time, you get used to the ribbing....
There's the wheeziest of the wheezies: "Dela-where?"
And that other tired saw: "Delaware? What state is that in?"
One of my favorite lines came from Food Network boob Tyler Florence, who when we were talking about Delaware, said to me: "Oh yeah, I've been to Baltimore before." (Huh? I still have NO idea what the hell he was talking about.)
But a lot of people are geographically challenged. I get it. And when you live in a tiny state (that's still not as small as Rhode Island) you just get used to it.
Once, in the Bahamas, I told some guy I was from Delaware and he said "Wow, that's a state you never hear about."
No more.
Love him or hate him - Joe Biden made Delaware history last night. (And, oh yeah, so did Barack Obama.) Pretty damn cool.
The photo above comes from my colleague Rhina Guidos. She said a friend from the Newseum in Washington, D.C. , took it. Look closely and you'll see The News Journal's "Yes, We Can" front page.
It's one of 50 on display at the Newseum's Pennsylvania Avenue entrance.


Anonymous said...

Our gift to the USA is Blowhard Biden. What a legacy

Anonymous said...

Orator - no. Moron - yes

Great Orators of the Democratic Party

* "One man with courage makes a majority."--attributed to Andrew Jackson
* "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."--Franklin D. Roosevelt
* "The buck stops here."--Harry S. Truman
* "Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country."--John F. Kennedy
* "You know why I think [my wife] Jill likes Claire McCaskill so well, Sen. McCaskill? Jill is one of five sisters, Claire is one of three sisters. And I tell you what, you women raised with sisters are different than women raised with brothers. My sister is smart, runs every one of my campaigns; is beautiful; graduated with honors from college; is homecoming queen. But she's a . . . she is what I call a 'girl-boy' growing up, you know what I mean? And I tell you what? Girl-girls are tougher than girl-boys. But there's one important thing I noticed.The great thing about marrying into a family with five sisters, there's always one that loves you. 'Cause you can count on splitting them a bit. You know what I mean? I shouldn't be going off like this, but--hey, folks, 37 more hours, 37 more hours."--Joe Biden

Lori M said...

Gee Billybob (what an appropriate name), sounds like sour grapes from a poor loser. We suffered for 8 long years under your dope, so be a man and get over it.

Anonymous said...

While you get under it