Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Regular Guy Pizza: Version 1.1

First things first. This isn't a revision of my Regular Guy pizza ratings from July.

This is just an extension. A bonus pack. A special, hidden feature you just found on that DVD you've had for months, by clicking somewhere else on the menu.

Maybe next summer, I will officially renew the Regular Guy pizza list. But for now, Dom's Pizza & Steaks in Newport (998-7154) remains No. 1, with Little Vinnie's on Faulkland Rd. near Wilmington (633-6801) second.

For that story last July, it was tricky to sort out all my favorites, since I enjoy pizza so much. Here are some other places to consider (some of these were honorable mentions in July).

Valle Cucina Italiana in Pike Creek (998-9999), otherwise known as Valle's Pizza. I didn't have to look up their number. Well, it is easy to remember. But, I've been going here since I was a kid. Can anyone remember the smaller place, about one-third the size of what it is now? Remember the enclosed game room with four tightly packed games and a pinball machine? Remember the ice cream and hot dogs from neighbor Tempo's? Ah, the memories.

By the way, you once had to leave your home to play video games. They called them arcades. It cost 25 cents for one game, except of course for... Dragon's Lair. I can't quite remember the games I was best at. Tempest, Tron, Mr. Do and Tapper come to mind. I could sit down at Pole Position right now and know exactly when to ease up on the pedal and when to floor it. Sometimes, I made it past Act II on Ms. Pac Man. Once in a while, I got to drive the boat in Spy Hunter. When all the good games were taken, I played Popeye or Berzerk. If those were taken, I played Joust. But I digress.

It's hard to tell from what place I've eaten the most pizza. If Grotto is first, then Valle's is second, no doubt. Remember the small, the medium, the large, and the medium-plus? Just in case a medium was too small and a large was too big. Lately, I have favored their strombolis. The one I had recently was perfect, packed with cheese and pepperoni. When the sauce and the grease shoot out of the boli with every bite, burning your hand a little, remember, that's a good thing.

Margarita's Pizza on Main St. in Newark (368-4611). Very good pizza. Another great New York-style place, and a classic for anyone who went to University of Delaware. Philadelphia has Pat's Steaks for late night eats. We have Margarita's Pizza. No night at the Stone Balloon was complete unless you went to Margarita's afterward. What do I think of the new building where the Stone Balloon once stood? That one day someone will think, 'Hey, this would be a good place to put a bar.'

Giordano's Pizza in Kennett Square, Pa. (at (610) 444-5733). Another place with good pizza, but to me, even better strombolis. With its large sports bar, separate from the main restaurant, Giordano's is also a great place to watch the game.

Lastly, a word about the Reader's Choice selections. For pizza, the results were (1) Seasons (2) Pizza By Elizabeths (3) Pat's. The pizza at Seasons and Pat's is good, just not tops to me. As for the other place, c'mon. That's not Regular Guy pizza.

The hot dogs came out (1) The Dog House (2) Johnnie's Dog House (3) Jake's Hamburgers. I absolutely agree with No. 1. But where's Deerhead? Or even Charcoal Pit? The readers goofed here. As for Johnnie's, I have been there once, and kinda shrugged my shoulders. Jake's? That's a curveball for the hot dog list. Were the voters confused by some sort of butterfly ballot? I've had a Jake's hot dog. Once. Anyway, where else can you get a great hot dog? At University of Delaware home basketball games, but not the ones at the regular concession stands. Go to where they sell food directly behind the one basket. That line isn't just for roast beef and salad (bleck). You can also get a superb hot dogs there, in a sandwich roll, with cheese sauce and sauerkraut available. If you like hot dogs and are at game there, it's a must try.

As for wings, it went (1) Wings To Go (2) Buffalo Wild Wings (3) Seasons. These are the same three I'd pick. You can't go wrong with any of these, especially the boneless wings at BWW and the Seaso-bites at, well, Seasons.


Anonymous said...

Buddy, you owe it to your stomach to give Bella Vista in Pike Creek a try. Best crust anywhere. Lot's of families - regular guys and gals

Anonymous said...

Well, I will never get that 2 mins back. That was a waste. Were you bored? Same crap you wrote earlier.
I was thinking,"hey, maybe he had second thoughts after trying all the pizza. Maybe the Regular Guy changed his mind." Nope, you bluffed me again.
Your guy in Newport is not that great.
Tony's Cafe on 72 & Possum Park is the better pizza.
I also went to Valle's. They s...!

BWW is horrible. They should be embarrassed to serve that junk. Underdone wings and bland wing sauce. Yes wing sauce can be bland. I tried them 3 times.
I am not a one and done person. Everyone has a bad day. They had 3.

IF you are going to write something, make it worth our while.

Anonymous said...

6:44 - go suck wind

Anonymous said...

now buddy, you don't have to hide behind FOB.. speak your mind.

Anonymous said...

9:35 - plenty of wind for you to suck too

Buddy Hurlock said...

Hey, when I post, it will be under this signature (that shows my name).

Thanks for reading, and as I have mentioned before, I like the pizza at Tony's as well.

Really, what was the point of Joust? 'Hey, let's have a game where kids fly round on large birds.' If this game did not have such cool sounds, it would have been a disaster.

Anonymous said...

I remember when it was Valle Pizza too. They've gone upscale and high priced in the dining room. I really like their cheesesteaks there too. Pike Court Court club was located in that shopping center for a while when their club was under construction. Tony's Cafe is my favorite pizza now. Pietro's in Linden Hill is also good.

Anonymous said...

I can honestly say...You don't know a thing about pizza! Dom's doesn't even use Mozzarella!...the boxes sitting on their counter said "Pizza Cheese" ..in other words imitation mozzarella! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Bella Vista also stinks!

Anonymous said...

I am 8 yrs old.My mommy told me I can write something about Bella Vista.So,wow!Why would ANYBODY say something bad about Bella Vista?I love everything there!Like,the pizza and the salad.YUMMY!

Anonymous said...

Buddy sorry for the joust. Everyone has different opinions on pizza, wings, dogs. It just sounds like your opinions are slanted and you are being paid under the table. If I were you, and I am not, I would go to all the places I could and then form an opinion. Ask the readers for the best places to try, go there and be honest. I know there is loyalty to all the places from the locals. My opinions are just that. But I went to all the places you liked and then some of the places the readers said were good and I formed my own opinion. I would have never known that Tony's was good till a lot of people raved about it. I wish it was closer to home. Because the Pizza in Glasgow/Middletown s....!!
But I do stand firm that BWW s....!

Anonymous said...

I think bella vista is GREAT!

Buddy Hurlock said...

Thanks, but an apology followed by an accusation that I'm being paid to write good reviews, followed by an accusation that I am not honest, holds little water.

Anonymous said...

You misunderstood the letter.
The way it was written it seemed like you were being paid. But you are not.. I understand that.I wasn't saying that you were.

Anonymous said...

We tried Dom's on your recommendation. It was a soggy, slimey, greasy mess.

No one in this state makes good pizza. Face it.

Grottos is comforting only because it reminds me of drunken 2 am feedings in Dewey. I'm not sure it's really good though.

Anonymous said...

TM - give Bella Vista a try. I guarantee you will change your mind about DE pizza

Anonymous said...

Chattels write up. As a born and bred Chicagoite I love this and all things chicago. I work in a cafe and I hope more people in these hard economic times come out to restaurants in Chicago. Check out [url=]http://friendseat.com/chicago[/url] or[url=]http://chicagorestaurants.com/[/url] and visit your local place.

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Sincerely yours