Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So not the pits

Had lunch today at the Charcoal Pit. The real one.

Anyone who's lived in Delaware for any length of time knows that, of course, I'm talking about the Concord Pike location.

The Pit no longer offers Delaware best burgers - I think I've got to give that crown now to Five Guys - but I must say I so enjoyed lunching there. (I got the 4-oz. "Pit Special" - basically a burger and fries. It was only $4.99. Washed it down with a root beer, $1.99. It was a juicy and very satisfying burger.)

What I love about the Concord Pike Pit- the only one I visit - is that it hasn't changed much at all. Cheeburger Cheeburger was pretty lame because it tried to look like a 1950s style burger joint.

There's no trying at the Pit.

I love the tired, worn leather booths, the old jukeboxes, the ketchup/relish served in the little paper cups nestled next to the burgers, the black and white photos on the wall. I even like that silly chain they put up near the front door so people don't go charging into the dining room.

With Thanksgiving just around the corner, I'm guessing that you'll see a lot of visiting nostalgia seekers in the Pit throughout the weekend.(The Pit's closed Thanksgiving Day.) I overheard the guy at the booth next to me saying he hadn't been there in years but used to love to come during his high school and UD days.

I nodded as I chewed (and wished I had ordered a milkshake.) Next visit.


Anonymous said...

I will say it too: support these American local restaurants, keep the LEGAL taxpayers' jobs.

Anonymous said...

I would much rather spend $4.99 to get a "juicy and very satisfying burger" than have 2 pieces of half finger-size tuna sushi.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is an American local restaurant? Something that racists call ethnic restaurants.

Go crawl back under your rock 6:24.
