Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where's the Food section?

Received some queries this morning about the lack of food news in today's Life section.

Because of yesterday's history-making events - we had to make some changes to fit in stories about the inauguration, the balls and the fashions.

(And when a local guy is the country's second-in-command - and wow! still wrapping my head around the fact that Biden, the guy I saw shopping last month in Greenville, is our VP - we have to cover that news.)

But food features will return next Wednesday - we go to the muskrat dinner at the Wagon Wheel in Smyrna and that's a story you don't want to miss! - and so will Nancy Coale Zippe's "What's Cooking" and Roger Morris's "Fine Wine" columns.

Thanks for reading. It's much appreciated.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it against Board of Health regulations or FDA or something that you can't sell Muskrat in a Diner or Restaurant

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the food section what happened? The NewsJournal is cheaping out, combining all the sections into one. We are getting less paper, less news, for the same amount of money. Guess the recession doesn't just hit our pocketbooks but our reading materials as well. And while I'm on a tear what happened to the NewsJournal boxes all around town?? Everyone single one is gone, in my neighborhood, and everyone else's that I ask. Bizarre-o! Are we in the Wilmington Twilight Zone???

Anonymous said...

They just raised my subscription fee about 12%. Wasn't worth it before, canceling it now