Thursday, April 17, 2008

Top Chef recap

Go Bears - go home Ryan.

Even if you're a metrosexual - as Ryan gleefully admitted last night on "Top Chef" - and you have absolutely no interest in sports, the task last night was to make food that people could enjoy at a Chicago Bears tailgate.

So this California bonehead makes bread salad with chicken and poached pears for dessert.

That's a fumble. But I think I know the reason why Ryan went home and not sloppy Mark who had a penalty flag thrown for dipping a spoon into his soup, tasting it and then using the same spoon - without washing it! - to serve the judges. (Man, Colicchio you were brave to eat that soup! Talk about taking one for the team. )

Ryan just stunk of elitism and a very off-putting I'm-not-a-sports-guy, but I'll-show-you-slack-jawed-football-fans-how-to- eat kind of attitude.

Forget ribs (like Dale) or pork and potatoes (like Stephanie) or burgers (Richards), this guy BELIEVES poached pears and chevre are what football fans want to eat. That or he simply doesn't care. (He's really lucky he didn't pull that at an Eagles tailgate. Boo Birds can get really ugly.)

Ryan, this is the Planet Earth. Have you never watched a Budweiser commercial?

And what was up with judge Gail - again - dissing someone for using rosemary in a dish? Rosemary is a beautiful, aromatic herb and Stephanie used it in a pork dish, which is a natural pairing. Weird.

I dunno I'm having less enthusiasm for this season and these cheftestants.

Don't have any favorites or anyone to root for. (And I still want to knock Spike's hat off his arrogant head. OR punch a hole through the top of it with my fist and put it back on his head. I think I need to do some yoga exercises.)

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