Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here's your seafood stew, Mr. President

According to this interesting story by Jane Black of The Washington Post, the first meal Barack Obama will eat as president was inspired by the Lincoln White House.

On the menu for his inaugural lunch: seafood stew of lobster, shrimp and black cod topped with a puff pastry dome; duo of pheasant and duck served with sour cherry chutney and molasses sweet potatoes; and apple cinnamon sponge cake with sweet cream glace.

Arlington, Va.-based Design Cuisine chefs spent months researching the food and cooking style of the 1860s. Wild game, especially duck, appeared on many White House menus of the day.

"Stews were very popular. It wasn't rare to have stew for breakfast," says Design Cuisine account executive Rickie Niceta of the decision to serve seafood stew. "But we were also thinking about who will be attending. They'll be cold, and they'll be starving. We wanted to start with something hot and substantial."


Anonymous said...

Are we, the taxpayers, paying for "months of research" so our new president can eat like his hero? Give me a break.

Some change.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of pride in your work? Maybe the chef's who created the menu decided to fashion it to surprise or impress President-Elect Obama? And if you're concerned about taxpayers paying for electoral luncheon research, you haven't been watching the news lately. GRUMP!!

Anonymous said...

ummmmm....usually when one hires a caterer, one tells them what kind of menu is desired. This catering company was not just told "plan a lunch" and then launched its research on its own.

Obama seems to be pretty obsessed with Lincoln. I am certain that this caterer was instructed as to the desires of the president-elect. No caterer ever just goes out on its own....onto a limb.

I watch the news and know that it is these kind of insidious expenses that add up, just as they do in my household.


Anonymous said...

He is obsessed with Lincoln! Get over yourself Obama. I'm pretty sure that the money for the inaugural lunch is included in the 50 million dollars that it's costing for the entire inauguration. Nice.

Anonymous said...

what about the fried chicken

Anonymous said...

I'm glad someone other than me went with the fried chicken joke.