Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Thoughts on spinach and "Sex"....

Had a ball hanging last Friday with Chip Hearn and store manager Lisa Young at Hearn's Ice Cream Store on Rehoboth Avenue near the boardwalk in Rehoboth Beach.

A fun day even though it seems like we were in the middle of a monsoon with all the rain and wind.

Hearn is a great guy with a terrific sense of humor and every summer he always comes up with really wacky flavors. Jim Mitchell of the fabulous Woodside Farm Creamery in Hockessin makes the ice cream, so you know it's really good.

Here's my story today.

So once I heard that Hearn was offering spinach a.k.a. "Popeye's Favorite" ice cream on the menu this year, I hopped in the car and was in Rehoboth the next day.

Now that is really weird. I must say I'm not a fan of savory ice cream, but I was intrigued and had to sample it.

Spinach ice cream, what can I say? It's not really horrible - it tastes like a fresh spinach salad, but it's not overpowering.

Do I want a whole cone of this? That would be a no. But a tasting spoonful is fine.

The flavor that is causing much buzz, as you imagine and just as the fiendishly clever Hearn planned, is "Better than Sex."

Is it? Let's leave something to the imagination. Try it yourself and decide.

But I will say this is: That's one terrific ice cream. It's cake batter ice cream blended with Duncan Hines Devil's Foods cake mix, a strong vanilla extract, crunched up Heath bars and ribbons of fudge. If you like chocolate, you'll really like this.

Do I want a cone of this? Oh, yes, indeedy. Maybe even a pint or a quart.

I spent a good two-hours chatting with Hearn and sampling ice cream. (Hey, it's my job, people.)

And believe me, you were glad it wasn't your job when it came to trying the flavor called "Tastes like Chicken." There's no poultry in the ice cream, Hearn just calls it that because he says people always say a weird flavor tastes like, well, you know what.

The flavor is garlic amaretto chip - amaretto flavored ice cream, colored red with chopped garlic and chocolate chips added. Hearn says he made it red as kind of goof from his old bartending days at the Starboard. (He once owned the Dewey Beach bar.)

Hearn says whenever a customer would order a shot that a bartender didn't know how to make, he would just tell them to make it red. Most shots are red, and sloshy customers seldom knew the difference. So there you have it.

Anyway, "Tastes Like Chicken," quite frankly, tastes like nothing I ever want to eat again. Ever. There was enough garlic in it to kill all the "Twilight" vampires and it could also take out the entire cast of "True Blood."

Icky, yucky, bleech.

It was the only ice cream that I sampled that I couldn't finish.

More "Sex," please.


Josea said...

Fiendishly clever? How about amateurish and juvenile? I'm not sure how old you are PT, but you apparently have a lot of maturing to do

Patricia Talorico said...

Nope, I've said it before and I'll say it again - maturity isn't my strong suit. Thanks for commenting!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a prude at all, but I think the "sex" label is inappropriate for an ice cream flavor. How embarrasing to order that with your 13 year old child with you? How about the 6 year old that reads it and wants to know what it means? Why did he have to go there?

Howard Ketchum said...

And talorico thought it was cute. See a need for sensitivity training there?????

Patricia Talorico said...

Let me quote one of my favorite movies, Bill Murray's classic 1979 flick "Meatballs":

Lighten up, Francis.

Anonymous said...


I think you mean the 1981 classic "Stripes" with Bill Murray and John Candy!

Patricia Talorico said...

Ooops! You are correct, sir. It is "Stripes."

Anonymous said...

Easy to make a joke of being juvenile. You either don't have kids or don't give a crap to what they are exposed to.

And if you think ice cream may be better than sex, you're not getting any there, either.

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's ice cream, not a sex shop. Don't whine and moan - if you don't want anything to do with it, don't go near it. Simple as that. Why sit online and complain to (or about) the reporter? You guys need to get lives.

Hearn obviously did a good job - you've got his ice cream etched in your mind one way or another now ;)

Anonymous said...

very useful post. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did anyone know that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.

Anonymous said...

great article. I would love to follow you on twitter. By the way, did you guys hear that some chinese hacker had hacked twitter yesterday again.