Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Costa's closes

The least favorite part of my job is writing about restaurant closings. Here's today's story about the closing of Costa's in downtown Wilmington.

The photo to the left is Costa and partner James Mallios at their Market Street eatery, The Exchange.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Yet another Restaurant in Wilmington closes- within the same week of the Corner Market closing as well. What's next? The Buccini/Pollin Group is very fond of telling everyone (via The News Journal, or perhaps it's the other way around) about Wilmington's pending "revival", and to their credit putting their money where their mouths are to encourage it, but nobody else seems to be and that's a huge problem.

Anonymous said...

Remember, if the food's good, people will come. If not, well, you write about closings.

Anonymous said...

Reality check: there are plenty of independent operators who are daily putting their money where their mouths are- and it's NOT always about food. The state has hundreds of restaurants with mediocre food and they continue to operate. The problem is with the City- Mayor Baker is not a visionary. The fish stinks from the head down, and if he believed in a revival, all his energies would be devoted to seeing it happen. Unfortunately, it's a back-burner issue for his administration, and as such, less customers (not restauranteurs) are willing to come downtown.