Friday, February 29, 2008

Dottie and John: Skip the wine tasting menu

DOROTHY J. GAITER AND JOHN BRECHER, the famous wine sipping couple, were treated like rubes at Le Bernardin in New York - and wrote about their experience.

Wow. The pair wasn't looking to be recognized, just acted like regular diners who LOVE wine and the treatment was borderline shabby.

The restaurant's sommelier who never came to their table even though they asked the server if he would - and who walked by their table several times during their rushed meal - was eating crow in the article today - as well he should. I'm pretty sure that's one unhappy restaurant today.

The expense account suits who read the WSJ - a newspaper with the country's second highest circulation - may think twice about charging the company credit card at that restaurant.

Way to go Dottie and John!

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