Thursday, July 31, 2008

That's Prince Chunky to you!

OK, so this has nothing at all to do with food. Unless, you look at the obesity side of the story.....

But I can't get enough of the Princess Chunky tale. Now, it turns out this oversize lub of kitty love (photo above) is actually Prince Chunky. (Well, his real name is Powder.)

Why does this story hit home for me? I have my own plus size white cat at home. His name is T.C., but mostly we just call him Big Boy. (He usually sits on the kitchen floor and watches me cook and twitches his whiskers when it smells good. He's a very cool cat.) I've already gotten a few calls and emails today from friends/family saying how much the 44-pound Prince Chunky reminds them of Big Boy. And that's not really a good thing.

Last time Big Boy was weighed at the vet, the scale hit 21 pounds. That's half the size of the Prince. But, well, I know, I know. We put Big Boy on a diet and he has lost some weight. But it's going to be a long road.

You try getting a 13-year-old very spoiled cat to change his eating habits.

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