Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reader Mail

Happy Friday. Is that the sun peeking out? I hope so. These endless days of gloomy rain are getting way too much for me. If I wanted Seattle weather, I would live in Seattle.

I hope your weekend is filled with food and fun. I'm heading to Philly to check out some new places, hoping to fit in a visit to Chifa, Jose Garces new Peruvian/Chinese eatery, among them. I'll fill you in next week.

Onto the mailbag. You ask. We answer. Every Friday. Email me at

QUESTION: I have read a few of your online Q&As and would like to poke around your brain using your trained palate :o) One way I like to relax is to watch a few of the foodie shows on Bravo and Food Network who show me actual dining experiences, as well as, cooking techniques for many dishes that I would so love to experience.

Now, having said that, I was wondering if you have any suggestions for places near Wilmington which could potentially have some of the fantastic menus presented on such shows (i.e., Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives for one). I am so very hoping that there are some places that I can experience clean flavors, using homemade foods and fresh ingredients...with a little twist of the chef's own flair thrown into the mix.

I must admit that I have stopped trying new places after many failed attempts and would so love to find the drive to want to give some local places another chance. Some circumstances that have caused the lack of interest in Wilmington area restaurants I've tried have been pretension and pretty much food lacking flavor and warmth delivered to me at prices not worthy. I don't think that asking for a delicious, unique, warm, friendly and CLEAN environment to enjoy a nice meal should be viewed as unreasonable.

Again, I must admit that I have stopped trying and am hoping that you may have a few suggestions to bring me back around to wanting to give the area another try *smile*

I will say that the most enjoyable meal and service I have experienced in the past 3 months was at Pomodoro Ristorante Italiano. My friend and I asked to order off the menu for dishes that the Head Chef considered his favorite to make. We simply asked the server to ask him what dish(es) he enjoys preparing the most. The experience was divine and warming. Now...I'd love to know of others that can deliver the same ambiance and fine food. I am not saying I want everyone to serve me off menu *smile* The experience was just a lovely one, and I know there HAVE to be others to which I am not aware.

Thank you for letting me pick your brain a bit. I look forward, hopefully, to hearing from you :o)


ANSWER: Hi Lora. Thanks for reading. I am not sure how to answer this question. I'm not much of a fan of "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives." Mostly, it has something to do with host Guy Fieri, whom I can only take in very tiny doses. And I'm glad that you had such a good experience at Pomodoro, but I'm honestly a little confused because the Union Street restaurant is none of the above - diner, drive-in or dive. That said, I've recently become enamored with Sovana Bistro near Kennett Square, Pa., which I believe should cover your requirements for fresh ingredients and local flavors, but again, it's not a diner, drive-in or dive.

When it comes to diners, I do like Lucky's Coffee Shop on U.S. 202.

QUESTION: Sometime ago you (or someone at The News Journal) reviewed a BBQ place in (or around) Kirkwood. It was only open during the weekend, I think.
Is there anyway to search the archives.? If not, you you have any knowledge of this place.

Thank you,
John Ramsey

ANSWER: John, you're in luck. Eric Ruth has a story today about several BBQ places. Here's the link.

And here are a few other BBQ places that we listed in our Biggest 55 Hours section which ran last month.

QUESTION: Hi Patricia, I need your help. I love the spezzato sandwiches they serve at the Italian festival. I have searched the internet high and low and can not find a recipe, I am not sure if it is a local dish. Do you have a recipe or know where I can find one. Thank you very much for your help.

Kevin Cuff

ANSWER: Kevin, I forwarded your request to our longtime food columnist Nancy Coale Zippe who hunts down reader requests for recipes. She does have a recipe and will print it very soon in an upcoming column that appears every Wednesday in The News Journal. Buon appetito.

QUESTION: Hi Patricia,

I'm writing to see if you happen to know any good local restaurants in the area that offer Snapping Turtle Soup? As a kid, we frequently enjoyed soup at the Lynnhaven in New Castle. Bookbinders used to offer it , and I remember the Canal House did as well. I'm curious if you happen to know any local establishments that offer the soup still? I know many people are scared off by the thought of eating a turtle, but after watching The Turtle Man video on YouTube, I figured it was time to ask the pros.

Also, does Port Penn still have the Marshland festival? In HS I volunteered at the event, and there were tons of great recipes available for sampling at the event, but that was over 10 years ago now.

Thanks in advance.

Justin Thomas

ANSWER: That's a head scratcher Justin. Turtle soup is something that you used to see on old-school "continental" restaurant menus, but I haven't seen it in a long time. But I did check out the dinner menu at the Mendenhall Inn off Rt. 52 in Mendenhall, Pa., just over the Del. state line, and - lookie, lookie - snapper soup is offered. Here's the link.

I don't believe the marshland festival is still going on. I remember checking around about it a while back when we were hunting down places to eat muskrat - a dish that I don't ever wish to eat again.


Anonymous said...

Feby's Fishery on Lancaster Pike also serves the turtle soup.

Anonymous said...

Lucky's is garbage- the same recycled stuff from Corner Bistro. I'd recommend Angel's on Silverside Rd, The Eklton Diner on Rt. 40 in Elkton, Dreamer's Cafe on the Philadelphia Pike, and The Post House or Kozy Korner for good diner food. If you're willing to travel a little further, check out the Silk City Diner on 5th and Spring Garden in Philly, which has been featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Their food is outstanding and original.

Anonymous said...

Hunter's Den on Old Capitol Trail. All of their food is excellent and each has the cook's personal touch.

SassafrasDiane said...

The Granary Restaurant in Georgetown, MD on the Sassafras River serves Snapper Soup. Delicious.