More posts are coming soon, so please check back.
But, first, you may be wondering: Where is today's Regular Guy Grub post?
I'm sorry to say that Buddy Hurlock is bowing out as one of our regular casual foods contributors.
Buddy started Regular Guy Grub posts in June 2008 - just about the same time we relaunched the Friday Taste column and eliminated star ratings from the restaurants reviews. (Eric Ruth and I now give eateries a fork up, fork down or sideways fork.)
Buddy's search for everything from Herr's Corn Chips to the state's best pizza to Bruce Willis's favorite cheesesteak has been entertaining and informative.
He says he will return occasionally to ponder more about Delaware pizza and perhaps give a round-up of the best ballpark eats. I hope so.
But we do have some "regular guys" waiting in the wings.
And, there is much more planned for the casual foods beat that I hope you will enjoy. Second Helpings also will be getting a new look very soon.
Sorry I can't share more, but I will as soon as all the details are ironed out.
His was the lamest column I've ever read. Good riddance. Cover some quality.
Campbell: for someone who dumps regularly on the NJ and the food segments, you sure do read it an awful lot. But then, I guess you have a lot of free time.
You know, there are PLENTY of places to have wars of words on the internet. But unless you are arguing about whose lobster bisque recipe is thicker, this just shouldn't be one of them. Don't like the overall content, go away and don't read it. Otherwise, can we just talk about food, glorious food and stop with the personal crap? I'm surprised the dude didn't leave sooner. No one needs to be treated like he was.
I really enjoyed his "regular guy" column and will miss it!! I kept watching for it yesterday. Hopefully someone else will pick up where he left off as hinted at by Ms. Talorico.
Maybe someone with a brain
Yeah...maybe the infamous Talecio is next hopefuly
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