Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Reader Mail

"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant with the weak and strong.
Because someday in your life you will have been all of these."

- George Washington Carver

Reader Mail is coming at ya' early this week.

The Feb. 12 edition of Reader Mail stirred up strong emotions and generated plenty of feedback. It's been interesting, to say the least. Much of today's mailbag deals with two letters from that day. Any discussion about food can turn passionate, especially among passionate food lovers. Wonderful. Delightful. That's exactly what Second Helpings is all about.

I appreciate all your emails - send questions to me at I try to answer every one that comes my way.

To paraphrase Evelyn Beatrice Hall: I will always defend the right to free speech - and bravo to those who use their real names on comments and emails - but that doesn't mean I have to agree with what you're saying. If I believe that clarity is needed after an email or post, then I'm going to step in - with no apologies. And if you think there's a great undiscovered eatery out there - please tell us about that place.

Finally, let's agree that we can disagree and still have lively debates with respect, intelligence and, hopefully, humor.

Onto the mailbag:


QUESTION: Dear Patricia, I am responding to your comment about my email. [See Feb. 12 Reader Mail (second letter).]

First of all, the new restaurant [Capers & Lemons] opened Monday night for a "slow dinner."

Second, maybe, Jamie, she is right. [See Feb. 12 Reader Mail, first letter.] I thought this blog was to express our opinion about restaurant, but if we have to be judged or criticized, I really think you should keep the blog for yourself.
As far as good restaurant and my favorite one, that is your job to really rediscovered them and remind people that good and authentic food can be found in small and not so sophisticated places too.

You really need to be fair and even with all of our eatery, and the most important part is that you do not need to attack people if their opinions are different than yours, and try to convince them otherwise.

I really thought that this blog was useful, but it really isn't and I will never post anymore comment!! What a shame!!

Stacey Spencer

ANSWER: Stacey,
I don't think I was being critical of you nor judgmental. I don't, however, happen to agree with your assessment of Capers & Lemons. We quite obviously had different experiences.

Second Helpings is a forum to discuss restaurants and those experiences. Restaurants thrive on word of mouth. I think you're missing a wonderful opportunity to share with me - and other News Journal and readers - the restaurants that you like, and to write about why you like them so much. Owners always appreciate it when loyal customers sing their praises.

According to the National Restaurant Association, there were more than 1,700 eating and drinking places in Delaware as of 2007. (The latest figures available.) I honestly have no idea which restaurants you are referring to.

I'm looking forward to your reply.


QUESTION: Hello Mme. Talorico: Just a quick note to thank you on your review of Twelves Grill & Cafe. My fiance and I went there last night for dinner and it was truly outstanding. As we both agreed, it is basic American fare but done incredibly well. I caught myself comparing it to Kimberton (Pa.) Inn which is probably my favorite (and pricey) restaurant in the region.

Twelves was complete redemption from the rather terrible meal we had at Fair Hill Inn the week before Valentine's Day. We went to avoid the crowds for the Hallmark holiday and the restaurant did not impress. Twelves was quite a bit less expensive with delicious and well-executed offerings and without a reserve wine list only affordable to those business executives who got outrageous bonuses recently. Then I wonder, was it that good because my birthday is January 12? No, it was just THAT good.

Thank you for the introduction to this restaurant. We will be returning.
All the best! And for those who insult you, they have NO IDEA what it takes to do your job. Chalk it up to complete and total ignorance.
Heather Baker

Thanks Heather. Glad to hear you enjoyed Twelves. I'm not sure what happened at Fair Hill Inn, but I hope you shared your concerns with the owners. In my experience, Phil Pyle and Brian Shaw, who run Fair Hill, work hard to please customers and would want to know what went wrong.


QUESTION: Hi, Patricia, I want to tell you how much I appreciate the valuable information you and Eric [Ruth] provide on area dining - creative/mouth-watering writing, knowledgeable of food prep and ingredients, and holding restaurants accountable for quality food and service.

The blog also is balanced for allowing readers to share their restaurant finds.
However, I found the recent snotty e-mail from that Jamie Campbell person insulting and ignorant. I'm glad you called her on her out-of- line comments. While I realize you have a passion and great knowledge of what you do, I was impressed with your awards and education.

Thanks for elevating the tastes of some narrow-minded diners to try beyond Olive Garden.
Have a great day and keep up the great critiques.

P.S. - one of my new favorites is Rasa Sayang [Malaysian Cuisine.]

ANSWER: Thanks Lisa. I also think Rasa Sayang is worth a look.


QUESTION: Pat, Just wanted to say how grateful the rest of us are that you are out there doing the taste testing! My husband and I are huge food connoisseurs! We are always looking for new places to try and always appreciate someone's honest take on a restaurant.

I think the rude emails that were posted are completely out of line. If they had a different experience than you did, by all means they have a right to speak up and let folks know. However, I think they need to keep their witty little remarks to themselves.

Thank you again for lending your experience to our area and reviewing these eateries! Is there any chance you'll have some short cut links along the side of your page that will direct us to your past restaurant reviews? That would be most helpful.

Oh, and if you haven't tried the little Italian place on the corner of Paper Mill and Possum Park roads? I can't remember the name of it, but they have terrific everything there. Very reasonable too!

And please (we need all the help we can get in Middletown), if you haven't already, have a bite to eat at Middletown Seafood where the old Whitherspoon Inn was at the 4 corners. Supposed to be good, but we haven't made it there yet.

Keep up the great work!
And thank you.

Rebecca Saxton

ANSWER: Hi Rebecca. Changes are coming soon to Second Helpings and links to past restaurant reviews are certainly part of our plans. I wonder if the place at Paper Mill and Possum Park roads is Tony's Cafe? I have only had take-out pizza from Tony's which was OK, but I found it didn't travel well and tasted soggy by the time I got it home. But it sounds like I need to have another look at their offerings as well as Middletown Seafood.


QUESTION: Hi Patricia, I just want to say that "Sorry to be blunt" was the rudest "person" ever. I think you do a great job. I look forward to your columns every week. I'm a huge Food Network fan and think you're right up there with them. "Blunt" apparently needs to get some good food. You had an awesome comeback, I must say.


Shannon O'Connell

ANSWER: Thanks for the kind words, Shannon.


QUESTION: Hi Patricia, My name is Charlie Smutz (Smoots). I was reading your answers to some posts and totally agree with you about El Tapatio Mexican Restaurant. We went there two years ago over Christmas break. We were pleasantly surprised by both the price and taste. I love their beans. And with a family the low prices are awesome. I can't believe a critic and I agree about a restaurant.

Have you ever been to Mazzella's [Italian Restaurant] in Penny Hill?



ANSWER: Charlie, I'm always on the look-out for other good Mexican restaurants. Tried to go to Agave Mexican Grill & Tequila Bar in Lewes this past weekend, but it was closed for the season. Drat! I haven't yet been to Mazzella's, but I have heard good reports.


QUESTION: Ms. Talorico, I enjoyed your review of Pizza by Elizabeths. I went there recently and enjoyed a great salad, pizza, and best of all dessert! I was surprised that you did not mention any desserts. I had a wonderful tres leches cake!

If you haven't had the pleasure, I would highly recommend this dessert. I believe it is available the first week of every month.

Enjoy, and congratulations on all of your well-written reviews!

Nancy DiMenco

ANSWER: Nancy, thanks for the heads up. I enjoy a creamy tres leches cake and always thought Avila's
Bakery on Lancaster Avenue in Wilmington did a nice job with this confection, also known as "three milks" cake. I didn't mention it in the review, but I also love the free toffee that Elizabeths gives you with the bill. It's a sweet ending - and makes settling up a little easier.


QUESTION: Hello Patricia, this is Vincente's son Daniel, the executive chef. If you would like to pass on information to your readers, they can stay up to date [on our new restaurant] by checking out our website at
I will be posting updates on the site as soon as we know more about the opening date. I hope this helps you and your readers out.

Thank you very much,

Daniel Mancari

ANSWER: Thanks, Daniel. Vincente's fans, you now have a web site to visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry you were criticized. Boo hoo hoo