Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Regular Guy Grub ponderings

Some quick hits today, as I have to be at the state wrestling tournament...

> Dom's Pizza in Newport has introduced a white pizza topped with hot dog slices and french fries. One would think I could not resist a hot dog and pizza combination, but I have yet to try it, and I probably won't, since I usually do not like white pizza (no tomato sauce). What are some odd pizza toppings you have seen out there?

> 7up has introduced a Cherry 7up "with antioxidant," as it seems like every drink label loves to tout antioxidants, now. Anyway, this wasn't that great a cherry soda. My favorite cherry sodas are those served by Charcoal Pit and Deerhead Hot Dogs, which of course use real cherry syrup.

> I've been back to Burger King recently, to again get the "Burger Shots," so I must really like them. But for the second time, not one napkin via the drive-thru. C'mon, now. Can't ya put one napkin in there?


Anonymous said...

Real cherry syrup? Um...no. It's not.

And really? Hot dogs and pizza? Does that sound good to anyone ever?? Have never had a good anything at Doms -- tried it on your recommendation. I just can't imagine hot dogs on a pizza.

Anonymous said...

Does Dom's have that great of food or is just because it close the the
News Journal. Tired of hearing about Dom's. Try something new! Please

Anonymous said...

Maybe some healthy food. Not all regular guys are food slobs