Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Wine whine

I was browsing through a wine store looking for something interesting. A sales guy comes over and starts giving me the hard sell on Dolcetto, a nice, fruity, easy drinking red wine from Italy’s Piedmont region.

I listened politely, but I had a hard time taking this guy seriously because he kept mispronouncing the name.

Everytime he said, “Now, this Dull-SET-toe....” I cringed inwardly.
It’s actually pronouced: Dohl-CHET-toe.
Now, I’m not trying to be Miss Perfect or a snob. I’m always butchering French words and names. (I took Spanish in high school and college, not French, and I’m working on my Italian now.) What I don’t know about wine is a lot. But then again, I’m not selling wine.

So what do you do in this situation? Ignore it or politely correct someone? I kept my mouth shut - and bought the wine. But maybe I should have given that guy a link to Robin Garr’s Wine Lover’s Page. I especially love Garr’s Wine Lexicon, a pronouncing dictionary of wine-related words and phrases. Here's the link:


Anonymous said...

I would have let it go. It isn't really worth my time to correct a guy in a store that I have no connection with. I may have said something like, "is that the way that name is pronounced? I always thought it was pronounced....blah blah blah." It just isn't that big of a deal to me.

Anonymous said...

Was it a fruity wine? was it an easy drinking wine? Like he said. Maybe he was just doing his job, by presenting a wine! Let's just hear you "whine" about how he mis-pronounced the word! How many people don't take you seriously, because you "butcher" french words and names. You did get your plug in about Robin Garr's link.......

Anonymous said...

If I were you, I would change wine stores. Just kidding. The worst wine is the one you didn't try!! Keep up the good work.