Friday, August 3, 2007

Asian Palace closed - for now.

The Asian Palace in Independence Mall shopping center off U.S. 202 has closed its doors, according to a recorded message. The restaurant will return somewhere else soon. Leave a message, 778-1488, if you're interested in finding how where the eatery will relocate.

There seems to be no middle ground when it came to the Palace. You either loved it passionately or hated it passionately.

And, believe me, I heard from readers in both camps.

Owner Barry Nickle had no tolerance for patrons who didn't follow his rules. (Woe to the customer who tried to seat themselves or, worse still, use a cell phone in his establishment.) Some people even referred to him as a popular Seinfeld character. You know whom I'm talking about. I thought the food made by his wife Selena was fantastic, but I must admit, I was always on edge when I dine there.

Nickle could be prickly. It was his house, and you played by his rules or - no food for you!


Anonymous said...

I was a regular take-out customer of the Asian Palace and I must say that I was always treated very well; almost like a friend rather than just a customer. And, you can't say enough about the food. It was always fresh and delicious. I can't wait until Barry and Selena open in their new location. I'll be back to see them early and often.
George K.

Anonymous said...

He was truly one of the rudest people. He would pickup the phone huff and tell you he was closed at 8pm- hello- why pick up the phone??