Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Top Chef recap

It was Restaurant Wars Part Deux tonight and, damn, did Sara step up to the plate as executive chef and surprise the hell out of me.
Wow, girl, way to tell Howie that his chops were underdone and needed to be grilled again. Lamb chops are supposed to be served rare, not Mary had a Little Lamb raw.
Take that Baldie! Who's the Bruiser now?
Too bad Casey didn't fare as well. Grandmom Moses could have chopped onions faster than she did. And what was up with the sawing motion when she was slicing? I just know that every chef who watches this will be cringing at her scary, scary knife skills. This was as painful to watch as Rachael Ray when she uses baby talk expressions like "sammies" and "EVOO."
Brian's oyster shucking technique though was pretty sweet. That's a true skill - which he had better possess since he works in a seafood restaurant. You have to get the knife in just right to pop open the oyster shell. I've seen people slice up their hands while trying to shuck. (When I say people, I mean, um, well, me. For me, shucking is one of those "don't try this at home" activities. Too many Band-Aids are involved. That's why God invented raw oyster bars.)
What was the point of having Madonna's brother be a guest? My eyes rolled to the back of my head when this celebrity wannabe was on screen. Christopher Ciccone go home and make a few more pointy cone bras for your sister's next concert tour and stay off my favorite reality show.
And why was sommelier/ex-contestant Stephen pouring wines? That was stupid and pointless. Kind of like Stephen.
Tre was the obvious choice to get 86'ed tonight but I'm sorry to see him go. He was a class act and I'm sure he'll pop up somewhere soon.
Maybe he'll even make it back to the Meals from the Masters Celebrity Chefs' Brunch in Wilmington. Here's hoping.

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