Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Drinking and dining sometimes don't mix

I go to restaurants quite frequently and I must say I've never seen anyone spew at the table. (OK, well, I did see a couple of people lose it one year at The Starboard in Dewey Beach during the chicken wing eating contest, but that doesn't really count.)

In Las Vegas, I have seen liquored up people getting a little gropey at the table, but, right now, I can't recall anything really noteworthy.

The one thing that completely grosses me out - and that I see often - is women visiting the restroom and then begin talking on their cellphones once they're in the bathroom stall. Geez, Louise, who wants to be on the other end of that conversation? And once, I overheard a woman at a table near us tell her husband that she couldn't stand him, never loved him and wanted a divorce. I was so shocked. Isn't that something you should do at home?

What's the weirdest thing you've witnessed in a restaurant? Comment below.

Restaurateurs and servers, we'd LOVE to hear your stories.


Anonymous said...

We did have a couple, um, "together" in the ladies room at our restaurant.

I think I'll remain annonymous on this one, lol.

Anonymous said...

I have seen someone vomit at the table - it was at the Iron Hill on Main Street. And another very funny incident was one time at Toscana (with the very close tables) I overheard the couple next to us discuss what they were going to "do to each other" later that night. Not a pleasant picture while your eating.

Patricia Talorico said...

Vomit isn't so funny - especially (yech!) in a dining room. I keep picturing the blueberry pie scene from the movie "Stand By Me." But the Toscana story is hilarious. I don't think I could have kept a straight face during dinner if I heard that.