Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hanging at SIW with H.G.

Judging by the number of phone calls I've received this morning, I really should have included a map to go along with today's story on SIW Vegetables off Route 100 in Chadds Ford, Pa.

Most people who know the stand - and can find it - just call it Haskell's. Here's the stand's phone number, (610) 388-7491, tho, the phone isn't always answered. Click on here for a map.

SIW, it stands for Stepped In What?? - is run by H.G. Haskell III who grows 85 varieties of heirloom tomatoes on his family's 60-acre Hill Girt farm. If you love heirloom tomatoes and vegetables, you've got to check it out. I'm going back for eggplant this week.

News Journal photographer Fred Comegys and I spent a morning at the stand last Wednesday and we had a ball. H.G. has a great sense of humor and his customers are very, very loyal. Some didn't want me to write about the place - they want to keep it all for themselves. Sorry, guys, my job is to share the wealth.


Anonymous said...

I must have these tomatoes...where exactly is this stand??

Patricia Talorico said...

I just added a link to a map. I hope that helps. If not, send me an email at