Monday, August 13, 2007

Smell the sausage this Wednesday

Want to see the biggest touring grill in the world?

The Johnsonville Big Taste Grill, which weighs more than 53,000 pound, measures 65 feet long and requires its own semi-truck to haul it around, is coming Wednesday to the Acme Market in Lantana Square in Hockessin.

The grill can cook more than 750 bratwurst at a time or approximately 2,500 per hour.

Brats will be grilled in the Hockessin parking lot from 3 to 6 p.m.


Anonymous said...

This turned out to be a total bum steer!! Don't know where you got your info but a group of us went last nite on recommendation from this website to see the big Johnsonville grill at Lantana. We arrived at 5:30 to see a 4WD truck pulling a small cart w/ Johnsonville Brats on the side leaving the parking lot. That's it!! What a letdown, especially for kiddies w/ us who saw the pictures on the web of the giant grill.

Patricia Talorico said...

Wow! That really stinks. I got my information from the folks at Johnsonville. I'll give them a call and see what gives and update later.

Anonymous said...

Patty: I emailed the Johnsville people and asked what was up. They wrote back and said that the "Big Grill" was there from 2-5 pm. The small 4WD truck I saw was just a support truck that follows the big rig. Their email was super nice and they said sorry for the mix-up and that they are sending me a "surprise pack" Fed-X!! How great is that!?!? I think I'll be eating more Johnsonville brats from now on!

Patricia Talorico said...

Now, that's customer service! You gotta love a company that goes the extra step when someone is disappointed. Let me know what they sent you!