Eric and I scanned our past reviews from 2007 and we picked our favorite dishes. It was supposed to be a Top 10 List. But we each had six, so we have a Top 12 List in 55 Hours today. Click here for the story.
Now, onto the questions. Remember. Every Friday. You ask. We answer. (You can send in questions earlier...)
Do you happen to have the recipe for the Better Cheddar Spread sold at Back Burner To Go or the Pumpkin Mushroom Soup from the same location? Thank you. Ellen
Hi Ellen. Oh, that Better Cheddar spread at the Back Burner to Go! It's served at almost every party I go in Hockessin and I never get tired of it. For what I can tell, the chunky, smoky-tasting spread is made from shredded (smoked?) cheddar, chopped nuts (walnuts, I believe), chopped scallions and it's binded together with (I believe) mayonnaise. Unfortunately, I don't have a recipe, but I will pass along your request to our food columnist Nancy Coale Zippe who tracks down recipes. Keep reading Second Helpings and I'll post the recipe if we get it. As for the pumpkin mushroom soup, I did find a version that is similar to the one at the Back Burner. I posted it last month on Second Helpings - it's comes from The News Journal archives - and here it is again:
Pumpkin mushroom soup
1/2 pound sliced fresh mushrooms
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons oil or butter
2 tablespoons flour
1 tablespoon curry powder or cumin
3 cups homemade chicken stock
1 pound can of pumpkin (NOT pumpkin pie filling)
1 tablespoon honey
Dash nutmeg
Salt and pepper
1 cup heavy cream
Saute mushrooms and onion in oil or butter. Stir in flour and curry. Gradually add the broth, then the pumpkin, honey and seasonings to taste. Stir while cooking 15 minutes. Add cream and heat through without boiling. Top with a dollop of sour cream if desired. Makes 6 servings.
Hi Patricia,
I really love your reviews and I need a recommendation for an upper end restaurant in the Wilmington Area that serves lunch.
This is a post holiday Lunch and I just want to splurge a bit. We have been to Conley-Wards and Harry’s Savoy Grill and both are fine but always on the lookout for something new. So anything along that line of restaurant that serves lunch would be great.
Thank you,
Tom Crew
Sr. Quality Assurance Analyst
Hi Tom. Have you tried Restaurant 821, 821 N. Market Street Wilmington, 652-8821? Lunch Hours are Monday - Friday from 11:30am to 2:00pm. Or what about Eclipse Bistro, 1020 N. Union St., Wilmington; 658-1588. Eric Ruth gave the restaurant a 3 1/2 star rating (very good to extraordinary) on Dec. 6. He wrote: "Food this dependably appealing probably deserves a more regal setting, but the classy, cozy room serves Eclipse's style well."
The Hotel DuPont's Green Room is always a place to splurge, but while the room is, hands-down, the most stately and beautiful in Delaware, my experience has been that the service doesn't always match the surroundings.
Deep Blue Bar & Grill is another place to consider. I had a so-so lunch there recently, but my lunch companions loved it.