Friday, September 26, 2008

The funny doesn't end when your life does...

Need a laugh? Enjoy.

Many, many, many moons ago, I began my journalism career writing obituaries.

(Or, as my friend Katie used to call them: "Short stories about life and death." )

It was great training. Believe me, you never want to get anyone's name, occupation or affliation wrong in an obit. Upsetting already grieving people is no way to start your day (actually evening).

While few people begin a career in journalism on the "dead desk" anymore, I still appreciate a well-written obituary.

Here's one that recently appeared in the Dallas Morning News - and, yes, it is real - that gave me a good chuckle this morning. (Thanks Katie!)

Merritt, Edward "Bruce."
Born April 3, 1951 in North Carolina . He was one of eight children. His older sisters regularly beat him up, put him in dresses, and then forced him to walk to the drugstore to buy their Kotex and cigarettes. After graduation from high school he went on to lead a life of luxury in the United States Air Force. After escaping from the government, he spent most of his life as a mechanic, husband, and father. Bruce Merritt never met a stranger, and in many ways was stranger than most. He is survived by one daughter, two grandchildren, two ex-wives, unpaid taxes, and many loyal loving friends. Services will be held on Tuesday, September 23rd at 2:00pm. Eastgate LBJ @ Northwest Highway 972-270-6116.

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