Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Popcorn at home

This week is one of the busiest times for the movies. Not only are schools out, but this week is the final target for the films hoping to draw Oscar nominations. In case you did not know, as long as a movie plays in one theater for one week within Los Angeles city limits, it's Oscar-eligible.

Anyway, you can't have a movie without popcorn, but what if you prefer movies at home? Then go to www.kernelseasons.com for all your popcorn needs. They have it all available online to order, from popping machines to movie-theater topping oil, which I've tried, and it is just like what they pour over popcorn at the theaters. I also suggest the Popcorn Spritzer, a zero-fat, zero-calorie butter topping in a spray can.

There are also more than a dozen different salts (or seasonings) to try: Nacho Cheddar, Caramel, Apple Cinnamon, Cajun, Chocolate Marshmallow, Ranch and more. Check out the whole list of seasonings at the Web site, and enjoy.

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