Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reader mail follow-up and clearing the air

Back in February, I received an email from a chef who seemed very angry and questioned my credentials.

I understand how easy it is to fire off an email and then regret sending it. That's why I called the email author - since he had included his phone number - before posting the letter so we could discuss it. When I didn't get a response, I posted the email on Reader Mail.

Today Chef Jamie Campbell sent me a very sincere email apologizing for what he calls "my hastily written email in February."

I'm not going to print the rest of the letter - that's just between us. Thanks, chef, and I want to say there are no hard feelings on my end. I've been in this business for a long time and have a pretty thick skin.

Chef Campbell also wanted to tell me that someone has been posting comments as "jcampbell" and he wants to make it clear that it is not him, but another person with the same name or who is using that name. The most recent comment came after Chef Robert Lhulier asked if we could filter hecklers.

Chef Campbell wrote: "I don't know Chef Lhulier personally, but has the utmost respect of all the chefs, restaurateurs and patrons that I know. Very simply, I would never publicly tell him to suck eggs."

OK, so now we're clear. Please, play nice everyone.

Now, I'm heading into the kitchen to make a few dips to take a basketball watching party I'm going to later today.

I'm off the clock for a while. I'll see you all back here on April 13.

Enjoy your Passover seders and Easter dinners. (I'm making leg of lamb this year.)


Anonymous said...

Easy to issue denials after you have exposed as a loser, isn't it, campbell?

J Campbell said...

I'm not a loser

J Morrison said...

I am the lizard king

J Campbell said...

Amen, bro

Anonymous said...

leg of different.

Anonymous said...

I'd be interested in where Campbell is a chef. I cook in my house so I guess I am a chef also.