Friday, May 16, 2008

Grilling gossip

OK, need to share this.... I just got off the phone with Gourmet magazine executive editor John "Doc" Willoughby.

We had a long chat about his new cookbook "Grill It!" (DK Publishing, 2008.)

It's going to be one of my selections for The News Journal's Cookbook Club. Stay tuned. I'm handing out books next week.

Anyway, I told John about Bob Harper's comment that grilled Brussels Sprouts taste like potatoes. (See below.)

He started cracking up. Then, he said his writing partner Chris Schlesinger grows his own Brussels Sprouts so the pair are going to give it a whirl.

(John and Chris have written nine cookbooks but have NEVER grilled Brussels Sprouts.)

Wow. I shared something new with a Gourmet magazine editor. Pretty cool.

Oh and just FYI, Willoughby said while grilled Brussels Sprouts sound good - roasted ones are great - he was dubious that they will taste like potatoes. (Me too. But we can dream can't we? )

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