Thursday, May 22, 2008

"Top Chef" recap

Butterscotch and scallops.

Hmmm....Think about that for a minute.

Do you want to eat that dish? Does anyone want to eat that dish?

You're a chef. You're feeding some of the most discriminating palates in the world - namely Anthony Bourdain and Jose Andres, who owns one of my favorite Washington, D.C., restaurants, Jaleo. (That was my place when I lived in D.C. It was Amada before Amada was Amada.)

Now, the challenge last night on "Top Chef" was to open a restaurant and serve WHATEVER YOU WANT.

So one team decides on an Asian-themed restaurant and one of their first thoughts is - BUTTERSCOTCH and SCALLOPS???

What the.......??? I don't get it.

And neither did the judges.

And that's why Dale, the mastermind behind that hideous dish, was sent packing last night.

I once ordered a chicken sate dish at a Wilmington restaurant that was served with chocolate sauce. Not chili chocolate sauce such as mole but chocolate as in Bosco. It was a poultry sundae. Needless to say that restaurant didn't last long.

- Patricia Talorico


Anonymous said...

each and every single one of you food people all think you are the ****. What arrogance. Youre all a bunch of frickin babies. And as for Delaware....LOL...what a job it is to write a food coumn for a state that has long forgotten how to change the menus.

Patricia Talorico said...

Is it arrogant to say that butterscotch and scallops is combination I wouldn't want to eat, ever? I don't think so. I call that honesty.