Thursday, May 15, 2008

Top Chef recap

Andrew, my favorite "Top Chef" wack-a-doodle, must have been channelling his inner crazy when he decided to make raw food maki rolls for Chicago cops.

That was the challenge - make a boxed lunch that's healthy, nutritious and tasty, for the Windy City's finest.

So Andrew makes maki rolls and doesn't use rice, but decides on some kind of experimental combination of quinoa? and nuts? to look like rice.

Yeah. Right. That's what I want to eat. Like....never.

And neither did the judges and the gals and guys in blue.

Raw food has never taken off. For good reason. It seldom tastes good.

And olives and grapes just don't sound very good in a chicken salad sandwich... even though Spike defended his combination and insulted judge Tom who questioned the pairing. I'm so over Spike, his stupid hats and dumb nickname.

Lisa: Undercooked rice and nearly raw shrimp? Officer, arrest this woman for culinary crimes. Why is she STILL in this competition?

Bye, bye Andrew. I will miss those looney eyes and kind of scary off the wall statements. (Didn't he say something about pulling a knife on someone?)

Now, Andrew go return to your park bench or favorite city street corner, wrap your head in aluminum foil to stop the Little Green Men from Mars from controlling your mind, only listen to what the good voices tell you to do and yell out kind, rather than weird, strange, head-scratching comments, to all who walk by you.


braggo said...

Is it me or is this the weirdest cast for Top Chef ever? Richard should win in the end...he has the skill (although his salad from this week seemed very boring).

Patricia Talorico said...

I'm with you - I can't seem to find anyone to root for during this Egofest season.

I guess I'll have to go with either Antonia or Richard....