Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The cat's meow?

I’m not sure what is more disturbing - that I tuned into "Dancing With the Stars" to see if Heather Mills' leg would fly off in mid chacha or that Rocco DiSpirito's culinary star has fallen so low that he's endorsing restaurant-inspired cat food.

DiSpirito was once the whiz kid of the culinary world. His Union Pacific in Manhattan was a three-star restaurant and in 1999 Gourmet magazine called him "America's Most Exciting Young Chef." Then, he did a little reality TV show called "The Restaurant" which showed him more interested in flirting with women and fighting with his business partner than making fettuccine. His Rocco's restaurant was a bust and so was the TV show. Union Pacific later closed.

I saw a really weird ad recently for Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys Gourmet Cat Food which is cat food inspired by restaurant meals - are you kidding me? - and decided to do a little research. That's when I came across the Rocco connection. DiSpirito, described as a chef and cat owner, hosted a Fancy Feast party last July at the annual Aspen Food and Wine Classic.

According to a Purina web site, DiSpirito, presumably with a straight face, said he decided to endorse the cat food because:

"Like most cat owners, I love to make my cat's dreams come true because knowing he's happy makes me happy. I was blown away by the Elegant Medleys food appeal when I served it to my cat. I couldn't believe how good it looked and smelled and considering Pumpkin is the cat of a chef and he absolutely devoured it, that's an endorsement in itself."

I'm not making this stuff up. And I really hope Rocco didn't try the cat food.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I comment about? We are talkng about cat food?