Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Pre-concert cocktails

Went to the Mann Center in Philly last night to see Lyle Lovett. I swear I'm not a Lyle stalker, even though I've probably seen him now a half dozen times. What can I say? I never get tired of seeing Lyle and His Large Band live. Opener k.d. lang sang a show-stopping rendition of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah" that gave me, and I'm pretty sure everyone else in the audience, goosebumps. Girl can really belt it out.
Before the concert, we got a plastic glass of wine ($7) and a bottle of New Castle Brown Ale ($6.75), which I guess isn't too bad for concert drinks. A pretzel was $3.25.
Lyle, a big story teller in concert, talked about how his girlfriend April is a cooking enthusiast and he's an eating enthusiast. He calls it an ideal relationship. April's cooking inspired him to write a new song called "Keep it in Your Pantry." Typical witty Lyle Lovett lyrics. I hope it's played on WXPN-FM (88.5) soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I may be a bit of a Lovett stalker too. At Monday's concert here in Jersey I tried to figure out how many times I have seen him and with how many different artists. I'm right around 6 or 7 and at 2 of these shows fell on his birthday (a very odd coincidence).
I love "Keep it in your pantry"!