Thursday, July 19, 2007

Now, if Johnny Mac could cook...

Last night, I watched tennis great John McEnroe throw a couple of hissy fits, argue with umpires and do the racket-tossing thing at the DuPont Country Club. Johnny Mac is a true showman and always gives the paying crowd what they want. (Hope the woman who fainted in the stands and had to be taken away in an ambulance was OK. And, man! some people need to learn tennis etiquette. Especially the bimbo sitting in front of us who blathered away on her cellphone while McEnroe was serving and playing. I seriously thought the crowd was going to toss her and her stupid cellphone across the net.)

"Top Chef" on Bravo also gave the TV audience a good showing last night thanks to the always reliable Hung, who served up a heapin' helpin' of arrogance and craziness. I love watching full-of-themselves chefs make horrible food and look like total asses.

During the quickfire challenge, chefs had to be creative with frozen pie dough. I was (a little) surprised that so many whipped up savory dishes. But it was probably a smart choice judging by Hung's drippy chocolate mousse banana pie. I had to laugh when the pastry chef judge told winner Joey he has "a future in tarts." Okaaaaayyy....ponder that for just a moment.

The elimination round was about creating Latin dishes for the cast of a Telemundo soap opera. The chefs were told they had 3 hours to prepare dishes. Now, why did anyone actually believe this? Haven't they ever watched this show before? Top Chef is always throwing curve balls so was it such a big shock when Chef Tom told everyone they only had 90 minutes to create dishes?

So glad Chef Tom gave Hung a scolding for running with a knife. (He obviously wasn't paying attention to the no-running-with-scissors rule in pre-K.) Thought it was a little strange that Lia went home for her polenta dish when everyone seemed to hate Casey's fake mole (why did she use coffee and molasses? mole is dried chiles and a little chocolate), that tasted like "cough syrup." And then there was her mushy rice. Was something missing in the editing?

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