Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Spice it up

Hey there. Usually I post much earlier, but the past few days have been a little crazy. We've updated a computer program here at the NJ and, unfortunately, all my files seemed to disappear into a black hole. Things got hairy when a long story I've been working on was MIA. This is not a good thing, as Martha would say. Especially when you're on deadline. All is well now thanks to Dave our fabulous "tech guy." Dave rocks.

So I missed this year's Fancy Food Show in New York. This is a huge show run by the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade where all the latest foods are unveiled. But the July issue of Specialty Food magazine has a few predications about what customers will be seeking out. Here goes:

- Flavors from India, Thailand and Vietnam are expected to gain strength and curiosity about foods like dosas are growing.

- Spiced chocolate - already big in Latin America - has more and more fans. So does the Japanese spice blend togarashi (Chinese chili, orange peel, seaweed, ginger, poppy seeds and sesame seeds) and yuzu, a Japanese citrus with high antioxidants.

- Look for more African spice blends such as raz el hanout and Middle Eastern flavors like sumac berry.

- "Black super foods" from Japan - black soy beans, black rice and black sesame biscuits - could find a home here because of their cholesterol-lowering and weight control benefits.

Here are the Top 10 "new" flavors:
1. Yuzu (pictured at the top )
2. Melegueta pepper (native to tropical West Africa and grows mainly in Ghana)
3. Berbere blend (chili pepper, ginger, cloves, coriander, allspice, rue berries and ajwain.)
4. Nigella
5. Strong pickled flavors
6. Dukkah (an Egyptian spice blend)
7. Garam-masala
8. Peri-peri (an African bird's-eye chili)
9. Spiced/Savory chocolate
10. Panch poron (a mix of whole spices typically cumin seeds, fennel seeds, mustard seeds, nigella seeds, and fenugreek seeds)

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