Monday, July 30, 2007

What a tomato

If Rachael Ray is the Food Network's Girl Next Door, I guess hottie cook Giada DeLaurentiis is its Homecoming Queen. But, this recent picture in Esquire magazine looks, kind of, well, gross to me. Or maybe this is Esquire's version of Giada channelling Carrie as Homecoming Queen. Well, in that case, bloody well done!


Anonymous said...

I thought that this Esquire spread was pretty disgusting. The most offensive photo, to me, was the one of Giada lying in a puddle of tomato sauce. It was so degrading.

In fact, after seeing it, I was moved to write to the PR director of the Food Network about Giada...not just this layout in Esquire, but her attire on her show. I received an instant response wherein FN denied having a hand in the Esquire article.

I was also told that the celebrities choose their own clothes. If this is true, I think Giada is demeaning herself by exposing cleavage in EVERY SINGLE show. She must not have a very good self-image, if she thinks that all she is is a set of breasts.



Anonymous said...


Lighten up, it's called entertainment!! If you don't like what she is wearing you can change the channel.

Sex sells, why do you think that a lot of commercials feature beautiful women? Even products for women feature models.

Anonymous said...

The only reason I watch Giada is for cleavage. You can't trust her as a cook, she's too thin. When I want to cook, I watch the Barefoot Contessa or another cook with some meat on their bones.

Anonymous said...

Like it matters one way or the other... But from where I sit, if all you are doing is staring at her cleavage, then the problem is with you, not her. If you are that upset by it, move to Iran, women there can be beaten to death for showing it.