Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Joe's Joe

Alisa Morkides founded her first Brew Ha Ha! location in Greenville, Delaware in 1993. The company now operates 10 retail coffee shops in Northern Delaware, and one in Center City, Philadelphia.

Brew Ha Ha! also happens to be Biden's local coffee house.

Alisa just sent me this piece she wrote:

WILMINGTON, DE : August 26, 2008

Joe Biden probably was sitting at the breakfast table last week pondering weighty matters.
How can I persuade Barack Obama to put me on the ticket? What can I do, in my role as head of the Senate foreign relations committee, to prevent nuclear war? What should I have for breakfast?

So, Biden probably did what most people do: he skipped the hard questions and attacked the no-brainer. He opted for breakfast. More specifically, he opted for coffee and bagels from Brew Ha Ha!

The clip ABC News ran last week -- the one showing Biden handing out bagels and coffee to reporters hungry for news and caloric sustenance -- doesn't merely show what everyone at Brew Ha Ha! already knows: that Brew Ha Ha! is the coffee of choice for the man who soon might be the second most powerful person in the free world.

It also may show the direction in which our country is going.
How so? What is the most important domestic issue - if you exclude people who choose to speak on cell phones when there's a real, live person sitting next to them in a restaurant - nagging our country? Fuel. Or, more specifically, gas prices that have soared to the level of, dare we say, gourmet coffee.

So, Biden attacked a fuel problem when he stopped at the Greenville Brew Ha Ha! last week and ordered enough coffee to swing supposedly objective journalists in his direction .

He was providing fuel to the media. How, exactly, does this solve the nation's other fuel problem? We, at Brew Ha Ha! don't profess to know. But we do know that long-time Brew Ha Ha! customer Joe Biden knows something about fueling himself -- and the media -- at breakfast.

And, if that's the case, he may know a thing or two about lowering prices at the gas pumps.
What other clues does Biden's now famous "Brew Ha Ha! Decision" provide for the country's future?

The prospective VP went local. He didn't patronize a chain with offices outside the state of Delaware. For all of those worried about the unemployment rate and the continuing loss of jobs overseas, this should provide welcome relief.

Global warming? Bagels are warm. Coffee is hot. Was Biden signaling his preference to keep warming within the kitchen and off our polar ice caps? The war on terror? Has anyone considered tossing bagels in front of all of those caves in Afghanistan to lure Osama bin Laden out of hiding?

Anyway, one thing's for sure. We are Joe's Joe....and we'll milk (pun intended) that fact for all of the publicity we can get.

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