Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reader mail

"You never call anymore. You never write."

Call it Catholic guilt, but it's time to confess: I've been a tad neglectful of Reader Mail.

Every Friday, it's supposed to be:

You Ask. We Answer. All dining questions.

Lately? Uh, yeah, well, not so much so.

I'll blame the slacking on a bad case of The End of The Summer Blues. Last night, sitting on the deck of the Logan House with the dearest group of friends (that's my shout-out: you all know who you are) and being waited on by sweet and oh-so accommodating and patient Jess E. (Will you always be our server? Pretty please? Hey, Logie managers, give that guy a raise!) it no longer felt like summer. The chill in the air and goosebumps on my sleeveless arms made me think of fall. But donning a sweater in August? Outside on a deck? No. No. No. Not going to do it.

While I so love autumn , I'm so not ready for summer to slip by. (Sentimentalists, feel free now to start humming Sinatra's goopy "Summer Wind" ...)

But (insert long, heavy sigh!) school will soon be back in session, so I guess I'll get an early jump on my own homework.

Here's what's in the mailbag:

QUESTION: Hi Patricia,
There is a little French place in the heart of Rehoboth on Penny Lane. Papillion(sp?) that serves the best croissants and crepes around. I wasn't sure if they were an offshoot of another restaurant locally, or only there for the summer months. But if they only serve during the summer, is there anywhere in the Wilmington/New Castle area to get the same type and quality food?

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie. I think you're talking about Cafe Papillon, Penny Lane Mall, off Rehoboth Ave., Rehoboth; 227-7568. It's not a chain and I don't know of another off-shoot in the state. But a French style place -run by a true French woman Louisette Amblard - can be found in North Wilmington. Have you tried Amblard's Bon Appetit Gourmet Food, 3629 Silverside Road, Wilmington, 478-4344? I know Louisette bakes bread and you can smell the baquettes when you walk into the shop.
Readers, any others you would recommend?

Not a question but a short excerpt from an email I received from Chef Danny Profita who is now in Beijing helping to feed athletes and media. Click here for a story about Danny.

"I am having such a fantastic experience over here but I do miss the USA."
Much thanks, Danny Profita

ANSWER: Danny, have a safe trip home. I'm looking forward to hearing - and writing about - your Beijing adventures. Any little nugget would be nice now, though. C'mon now: Does Michael Phelps really eat Frosted Flakes? Inquiring minds want to know.

QUESTION: In the August 20 [Life section,] under the "Top Tomato Recipes" there is a recipe named "Mato Sammidges". These tomato sandwiches were delicious and easy to prepare. Hats off to Mary Jo Sweeney who submitted the recipe.
Lawrence Klevans of Elkton, Md.

ANSWER: You say tomato, Mary Jo Sweeney says 'mato.
Lawrence, SO glad you liked our "Red Menace" package. (Boss? Oh, boss? Did you read what Lawrence wrote? He likes us, he really likes us. Show me the money! OK, I ran out of Hollywood cliches....)

Since tomatoes are about to overtake the earth right now - ATTACK OF THE KILLER TOMATOES - I wanted to provide readers like you with some interesting recipes.

The Washington Post's Food section recently held its 2008 Top Tomato Recipe contest - an idea I may shamelessly steal for next year - and
we ran their recipes. (Good recipes are always worth sharing.) Thanks Posties!

QUESTION: Hello! I am writing to rave about our recent experience at the Fair Hill Inn.
I'm not aware of a recent review/article of this little gem only 4 miles from Newark. Just this weekend, we hosted a rehearsal dinner there, and it was completely wonderful and special in every way.
I dealt with chef/partner, Brian Shaw. He was very capable, enthusiastic and passionate about the food. The service was impeccable. All vegetables are grown in their garden. I believe they put in a small vineyard this year.
It is such a delightful, historic place, and the owners care very much about the food they present.I would urge you to take a trip there to see for yourself the quality of fine dining just a hop and a skip from Newark. I know they would benefit from the publicity and the encouragement.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you
Janice Keane

ANSWER: Janice, glad to hear your experience was so positive. I've been hearing raves about the Fair Hill Inn lately. Must get out there soon. I hope you sent the owners a letter telling them likewise. Owners Phil Pyle and Brian Shaw are great food and wine people, truly dedicated to their craft. Attaboys, and all that.

Readers, please support your local independent restaurateurs. Do your part for the economy and dine out!

Now, go enjoy what's left of the summer.....I've got an out-of-town assignment on Friday, so I probably won't be checking back in until Monday. See you soon. Happy cooking and eating!

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