Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Chef Catherine

“Big Night”, “Babette’s Feast” and “Like Water for Chocolate” are probably the three best culinary movies ever made.

I should probably reserve comment until I see “Last Reservations,” a new movie starring Catherine Zeta-Jones.

But I have a feeling I'm in for a big letdown.

Zeta-Jones plays a "top chef" whose life changes when she becomes the guardian of her young niece. It's being released in July.

It reminds me of Julia Roberts, who played a restaurant critic in “My Best Friend’s Wedding.” The stupidest part of that movie was in the beginning. Roberts was at the restaurant and the whole staff knew who she was. (Chicago chef Charlie Trotter had a cameo.) Then, she discussed what she would write in her upcoming review at the table in front of the waiters.

Yeah, right.

I’ve eaten out with restaurant critics from different newspapers and magazine and sorry, but that’s just not done.

The saving grace of "No Reservations" may be actor Aaron Eckhart (loved to hate him in both “Thank You for Smoking” and “In The Company of Men.”)

He plays Zeta-Jones’ sous-chef and love interest.

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