Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Not quite like home or work...

Presto! Bistro, Coffeehouse & Gourmet to Go in Wilmington could quite easily becoming a "third place" for me.

The April issue of "Specialty Food" magazine has an interesting article about the "third place" concept. It goes something like this: First place is the home; second place is work and the "third place" is "a public spot that's neither home nor work where people like to gather informally and connect regularly."

"Third places" can be VFW Halls, town squares or taverns. In recent years, coffeehouses have become the most popular places where "people like to hang out....and feel included."

I like the modern atmosphere of Presto! - as well as the lattes and homemade cupcakes. The staff is friendly, the TVs are tuned to the Food Network and there's a collection of such board games as Battleship, Scrabble, Connect 4 and Monopoly.
Got a favorite gathering spot? Let's hear about it.

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