Friday, April 27, 2007

One reader's view of the restaurant critic

And you think this job's easy? You envy me for getting to eat free food? Be careful what you wish for -- critics are easy targets for folks whose allegiances have been tweaked by a review. This one steps a bit beyond fair criticism and challenges my integrity, but let's not deny readers their occasional shots -- critics cannot be above criticism.

dear sir,
it's obvious that your reviews are heavily tilted by those who
advertise with your newspaper. those in the know, know very well that you are not qualified to rate/judge any establishments and this should be noted in all your reviews, at least some kind of disclaimer. many of your judgements are quite preposterous.

Well. First off, I am only vaguely aware of who does and doesn't advertise. It's no skin off my nose if a heavy advertiser gets miffed. I write for the reader; judge out of concern for the diner; not as a quid pro quo for taking out ad space. As for my qualifications, I'd offer a valiant defense of my culinary skills, if only the memories of the lettuce-wrapped Korean pork disaster that occurred last night in my kitchen weren't so fresh in my mind.

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