To my wife's frequent horror, I'm continually snagging some faintly mutated-looking and generally mysterious vegetable off the shelf at the supermarket, full of curiosity and zeal to discover new tastes. A futile Google search for English recipes using aforementioned vegetable usually follows, capped by a pathetic attempt to re-create the authentic preparation at home. Recently, the vegetative victim in question was a cassava(a.k.a. Yucca), which I had tasted and enjoyed at Wilmington's Hispanic Festival last year. My version was, as my wife says, interesting. I doubt she'll consent to eating it again. Last night, I tackled some sort of mutant tuber called a Name', which features a rather hairy exterior and when raw, an unpleasantly slimy interior, sort of like a potato with poor hygiene. A thorough boiling produced faintly potato-like product, with an almost gluey texture and not much taste at all.
Maybe I'll just stick with Russets from here on in.
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